Graham McNeill – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

Graham McNeill – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

With a Budget Speech, it’s normal that the majority of the detail has already been leaked beforehand, something I always struggle to understand.  With regards to today’s 2022 mini-budget – I was shocked at the package of tax cuts announced that were...
Graham McNeill – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

Nick Forsyth – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

If this statement from the Chancellor is deemed to be “mini” then heaven help us when he comes to making a major statement! But whether it was “mini” or “maxi” there is lots to look through whilst trying to understand if it is a “final throw of the dice” or the “new...
Graham McNeill – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

Mike Carabine – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

Reading the start of the Policy Paper trumpeting the cancellation of the intended increase in the headline rate of corporation tax from 1 April 2023, if you hadn’t lived through the surreal last month or so, you would assume that when Liz Truss became Prime Minister...
Graham McNeill – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

Lucy Orrow – Plan for growth/mini-budget reaction

The Autumn Statement introduced by our new Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, has provided some headline changes for individuals. It was announced yesterday that the increase in employees’ and employers’ national insurance is being reversed from 6 November, so next month’s...
Trust registration service update

Trust registration service update

Following our previous article (Update to the trust Register – July 2021) and Katy Stables’ recent update regarding the registration of non-taxable Trusts (Deadline for registering with the Trust Registration Service – Aug 2022), the deadline of 1...