Working to get more support for SMEs and Excluded UK

Working to get more support for SMEs and Excluded UK

We are deeply concerned about the plight of some smaller businesses across the UK including c. 3m self-employed directors of limited companies. Known as Excluded UK, many are not eligible for the government’s existing grants and schemes and have therefore been...
The 5 Key Things SMEs should do in January

The 5 Key Things SMEs should do in January

It’s been almost a year since the first lockdown and arguably, we are all getting used to staying at home, remote working and the restrictions being placed on all aspects of our lives. But that doesn’t make it easier, if anything, we are weary as the pandemic and its...
Annual Christmas Video 2020/21

Annual Christmas Video 2020/21

As if we were going to let a pandemic get in the way of bringing you our annual Christmas Video. 2020 has certainly brought its challenges, but we hope our (covid-secure) video can raise a smile and spread a little festive cheer. If you’ve still got some...
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: March 2021 extension

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: March 2021 extension

How does the extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) scheme work? The Job Retention Scheme is now extended until 31st March 2021. This is a flexible furlough scheme in line with the current flexi-furlough so some work is allowed. This is paid at normal rates...
Financial Implications of Divorce

Financial Implications of Divorce

We have been seeing in the press that divorce rates during the pandemic have soared, with some firms seeing a near 50% increase in cases year on year.  At Lambert Chapman LLP, although we cannot help with the legal side of proceedings, we can help you navigate the...
Preparing for Brexit

Preparing for Brexit

With 2020 having been dominated by Covid-19 and its implications, preparing for Brexit has taken a bit of a back seat. And yet, come the end of the year, when the transition period ends, there are some significant implications for all businesses. Key things you need...