Loan Charge Reporting and Payments

Loan Charge Reporting and Payments

HMRC are issuing reminders to those individuals with outstanding Disguised Remuneration Loans.  Where they have a Loan Charge they have to report by 30 September.  Many taxpayers will have settled with HMRC in the intervening years and may have repaid the loans and...
Hindsight in a Business Valuation

Hindsight in a Business Valuation

I recently came across a Business Valuation case where the accountant had provided a pretty solid calculation, in my view. The instructing solicitor for the other side queried why the valuer had seemingly ignored the projections prepared by the company in producing...
QuickBooks Tips and Shortcuts – Making life simpler for you

QuickBooks Tips and Shortcuts – Making life simpler for you

Introduction to QuickBooks: QuickBooks is an accounting software package developed and marketed by Intuit which can be used to manage income and expenses and keep track of the financial health of your business. You can use it to invoice customers, pay bills, generate...
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – Changes around the corner

Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay (CSSP) Scheme

As part of the Government Support package for Employers, it was agreed back in March that they would be able to reclaim 2 weeks Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for employees specifically affected by Covid19. Ordinarily, Employers have not been able to reclaim SSP paid out in...