Tax implications of working from home

Tax implications of working from home

The current Coronavirus measures have resulted in many employees working from home. The following considers the taxation implications on the additional payments which may be received from employers and on the additional costs which the employee may occur. Payments...
Helping our clients access the support they need to survive

Helping our clients access the support they need to survive

Together with other members of the UK200Group, we have been asking our clients to contribute data to a nationwide survey about how their businesses were faring before the lockdown and what has happened since. Alarmingly, this research shows that 528,373* people in the...
Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

A reminder that perpetrators of cyber-crime have not been furloughed… There have been welcome reports of a drop in recorded crime during the Coronavirus pandemic. How could there not be, after all most of us are at home. However this article is to remind you...
Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – 5 days in…

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) portal opened on Monday (20 April 2020) and so 5 days in, we caught up with Lisa Greenwood our Head of Payroll, to find out how things have been going. Since the lockdown commenced, Lisa has been working closely with our...
Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

Is the COVID-19 furlough scheme open to abuse?

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has been put into place to assist struggling businesses, allowing the employer to claim for employees that are unable to work because of the coronavirus and put on temporary leave (furlough). The employer can claim 80% of...