IR35 – Personal Service and Substitutions

IR35 – Current Position

At the present time, IR35 in the private sector is due to change 6th April 2020.  The changes will mean that the engager will be making the decision as to whether the Personal Service Company (PSC) is in fact a disguised employee, and therefore caught under the IR35...
Audit Challenges for 2020

Audit Challenges for 2020

Following the latest audit quality review carried out by the Financial Reporting Council, the principal weakness highlighted by the report was audit firm’s shortcomings in challenging management effectively.  Failures were identified in a number of areas including...
Relevant Life Policies

Relevant Life Policies

As part of my service to clients, I try and check out, periodically, that the client has strategies for: Retirement income Critical illness cover Life cover Income replacement It is nice to have all bases covered but sometimes one has to prioritise, especially where...