GDPR are you ready?

Over the last few months, there has been much discussion over GDPR which is the new General Data Protection Regulation commencing 25 May 2018 and replaces the old Data Protection Act 1998. I was recently informed during an update course that little over 500,000...

It’s all a Question of Credit

When I produce the Company Accounts, I often produce graphs of various ratios to discuss at the meeting, some of which would feature in the reports produced by Dun & Bradstreet, Credit Safe and Experian. Often these show a figure off trend and I might tell the...

Fake Companies House E-mails Continue…

We’ve received an email via a client, claiming to be from Companies House that looks genuine – the subject of the e-mail is ‘Companies House eReminder Service’. The e-mail does look like it comes from Companies House and I can understand why directors of...