GDPR Statement of Intent from Lambert Chapman LLP

At Lambert Chapman LLP, we are currently working through the impact and implications of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which is being introduced from 25th May 2018, to make sure we are fully compliant with the new rules. Ahead of this, we are...

Land Glorious Land

We are all aware that Councils are being pushed to find land on which to build houses to achieve Government targets.  Maybe you have some land which you are considering selling for development, but have you thought through all your options and considered all the...

VAT Registration Numbers – a bit of useless information…

As some of you may know, I have a particular affinity towards numbers, rather than words. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some pretty useless information concerning the arithmetical validity of UK VAT numbers that are issued. So, let’s consider...

Tax Investigation Service

One of the services we offer our clients is our Tax Investigation Service (TIS). Broadly clients sign up at the beginning of the tax year to TIS.  This should then provide them with protection should HMRC lodge an enquiry into their tax affairs. Should this happen, we...