Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Autumn Budget 2021 Predictions by Paul Short

Autumn Budget 2021 Predictions by Paul Short

Nostradamus Revisited In February this year I broke with my convention and predicted what the Chancellor would announce in his Spring Budget. I reckoned that allowances would be frozen and this proved to be precisely what the Chancellor announced, indeed freezing many...

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Forensic Accounting Services

Forensic Accounting Services

Our specialist forensic accounting and expert witness team continues to advise on business valuations, loss claims and financial disputes. Many of our assignments relate to divorce where business valuations are needed to assist with proceedings. Often we will also be...

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Proactive Advice from your Accountant

Proactive Advice from your Accountant

I have always kept in touch with one of my old chums from university, Ian. Ian has built up a very successful business. It is very much a family concern, with the children and now young grandchildren becoming involved.  The business is based in the North West. Ian...

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In memory of Bill Stichbury

We were saddened to learn this week of the death of our former Partner Bill Stichbury on October 2nd after a battle with dementia. Bill was a longstanding Practitioner in Maldon having joined the Practice of B W Broadhurst, initially travelling in by train from the...

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Privacy Policy (Update Oct 2021)

Lambert Chapman LLP understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about how your personal data is used. We respect and value the privacy of all of our clients and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a...

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Tax planning is a must

Tax planning is a must

Post-lockdown it seems we are all busier than ever, keeping up to date with daily tasks, responding to communication and liaising with staff, clients and customers, but even while extremely busy, it’s still vitally important to consider tax planning not only from a...

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The end of the furlough scheme

The end of the furlough scheme

Tick, tock, tick, tock, the countdown to the end of the Furlough Scheme has started...    Today, Tuesday 28 September, represents the last 3 days that eligible employees can be either fully furloughed or flexi-furloughed.   Claims covering the period up to 30...

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Could you survive losing a big client?

Could you survive losing a big client?

In August, like many people of my age, I read, with some sadness, about the death of Gerd Müller, the legendary German striker.  I always have that image of him hooking the ball past Peter Bonetti to knock us out of the 1970 World Cup quarter final. Müller was a...

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Punching above our weight

Punching above our weight

I always try and take some time to read the financial press during the week and also the business section of the Sunday Times.  It helps to keep me informed.  I also often come across articles which are of interest to clients. Occasionally too I actually come across...

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The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses and individuals alike.