Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Why you should always claim child benefit

Why you should always claim child benefit

I have always advised my clients to claim child benefit, even if they are a high earner and there will be the inevitable claw back in their tax assessment (the high income child benefit tax charge).  My thinking was not just predicated on any limited cash flow...

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Working from home during COVID-19

Working from home during COVID-19

Can employees reclaim any expenses? On Monday 16 March 2020, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the public to work from home where possible in an attempt to contain the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in the UK. For more than 1.7 million people it was business as usual,...

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Tax implications of working from home

Tax implications of working from home

The current Coronavirus measures have resulted in many employees working from home. The following considers the taxation implications on the additional payments which may be received from employers and on the additional costs which the employee may occur. Payments...

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Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

Beware of Coronavirus Scams #ScamAware

A reminder that perpetrators of cyber-crime have not been furloughed... There have been welcome reports of a drop in recorded crime during the Coronavirus pandemic. How could there not be, after all most of us are at home. However this article is to remind you that...

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Is the COVID-19 furlough scheme open to abuse?

Is the COVID-19 furlough scheme open to abuse?

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has been put into place to assist struggling businesses, allowing the employer to claim for employees that are unable to work because of the coronavirus and put on temporary leave (furlough). The employer can claim 80% of...

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Whose desk is it anyway?

Whose desk is it anyway?

Working from home can be a lonely experience and as we waved our colleagues goodbye on lockdown day, armed with our laptops and VPN’s to work remotely, we were determined that along with looking after our clients, we would also need to lookout for our teammates during...

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The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses and individuals alike.