Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Adjusting to working from home

Adjusting to working from home

I have been working from home for almost two weeks now - this is the new front line in accountancy. The government has told us that we must work from home wherever possible and so by far the majority of the partners and staff at Lambert Chapman LLP have moved into...

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IR35 Delayed until 2021

IR35 Delayed until 2021

There was a statement in Parliament on 18 March 2020 by the Treasury secretary Steve Barclay to confirm that IR35 reform will not be introduced next month, but will be delayed for one year due to the economic impact of the coronavirus. This is a temporary reprieve for...

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Self-assessment tax deferral extended to all taxpayers

Self-assessment tax deferral extended to all taxpayers

The deferment of self assessment tax in July 2020 originally marked as for “the self employed” has been expanded to encompass all tax payers needing to make a self assessment payment in July. However, the deferment is optional with the recommendation that if you are...

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COVID-19: Self Employment Income Support Scheme

COVID-19: Self Employment Income Support Scheme

In his statement of 26 March 2020, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced coronavirus (COVID-19) Self Employment Income Support Scheme. This had been highly anticipated having been suggested for earlier in the week, with information being available about the top figure....

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Who is on the side of the ordinary Company Director?

Who is on the side of the ordinary Company Director?

With all of the announcements that have been issued in the last 10 days, there is one group that this “new labour” Conservative Government appear to have forgotten. The man (or Woman) who takes the risks in running the Company and generates lots of VAT and corporation...

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Santander Reporting for Shareholders

Santander Reporting for Shareholders

If you are a Santander shareholder, you should have received correspondence from Santander regarding the final dividend for the 2019 financial year. What this means The May 2020 dividend (subject to shareholder approval) will be partly paid as a normal cash dividend...

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Desert ‘Isolation’ Discs

Desert ‘Isolation’ Discs

The current crisis has brought about a flurry of playlists on Spotify from people creating a playlist to share with their friends setting out the songs that they love and why they’ve been selected. We thought we ought to ask resident music buff Nick Forsyth who sets...

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