Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

The Danger of VAT Partial Exemption for Farmers

The Danger of VAT Partial Exemption for Farmers

A favourite tried and trusted technique for Government in raising taxes is to forget to uplift a threshold. Given the effluxion of time and a dose of inflation (albeit the latter has less of an eroding effect in the modern era), more and more tax payers will move...

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HMRC Tax Investigations

HMRC Tax Investigations

HMRC have released data on their Tax Investigations Campaigns showing revenue from January 2015 to March 2017. As you can see from the increase in the chart below, the income achieved from these targeted areas has been significant. Campaign Launched 31/1/2015 (£)...

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The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses and individuals alike.