Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Lisa Greenwood: Reaction to Budget 2018

A budget to benefit who? Having spent the day at a Spa whilst the budget was on, I was keen when I returned home last night to find out what I had missed. I listened to the news on Radio 2 on the drive home - nothing mentioned. I went onto the BBC website and had to...

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Residential Nil Rate Band & Downsizing

We’ve all come across people who in later life have decided to move to a smaller property, “now the kids have moved out” or “we don’t need the space, it’s too much work”, but how are these people affected when it comes to the new Inheritance Tax rules for leaving...

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Making Tax Digital for VAT

With only seven months to go until the Making Tax Digital for VAT #MTDfV deadline, most businesses above the £85,000 threshold should already be integrating the new digital tax system into their processes, but is that happening in reality and do people really know...

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Is your business ready for the unexpected?

Personal circumstances recently reiterated the need for all of us to think about and prepare for the worse. The worse relates to two main events firstly death (one of life’s certainties) and secondly mental or physical incapacity. Some business owners are likely to...

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The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses and individuals alike.