Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Mark Up for Margin

It’s always a little disconcerting when you get your mark up and margins confused or the wrong way round, as this can have a catastrophic effect upon the business taking it from profit to loss, and the risk of stopping after running out of cash. Yet how are we...

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Have you heard of Social Impact Investing?

Until recently I knew very little about social impact investing and what was involved but since acting for a number of clients active in this area, I have become personally very interested in its objectives and the tremendous representation we have here in the United...

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Trust and Estate Register Non-Compliance Penalties

HMRC Trust and Estate Register non-compliance penalties have been released - this information is taken from website. Penalties You may have to pay a penalty if you don’t: register your client’s trust before the registration deadline tell HMRC about...

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Land Glorious Land

We are all aware that Councils are being pushed to find land on which to build houses to achieve Government targets.  Maybe you have some land which you are considering selling for development, but have you thought through all your options and considered all the...

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The latest tax, employment, business and economic news affecting businesses and individuals alike.