Mergers, Acquisitions and Disposals

From time to time an acquisition opportunity may arise or someone may approach you to buy your business.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals for your business.

We can:

  • Assist in the sale, purchase or merger process
  • Liaise with other professionals as necessary
  • Carry out business valuations and reorganisations
  • Secure funding for corporate finance transactions

Corporate Finance covers a wide spectrum of assignments from buying or selling a business to ensuring that the business has adequate appropriately structured finance to assist its management in achieving is objectives. As a leading firm of Chartered Accountants in Essex our Accounts Partners are experienced in providing these services.

However, because of their specialist nature the majority of the large external corporate finance projects won by the firm have been placed through the Corporate Finance Department.

Acquisitions and disposals

Sometimes the best way to improve your competitive position in the marketplace is through a merger or acquisition. Not only is this a complex and time consuming process. If it is not well researched and skillfully negotiated it could make matters worse, not better. This is definitely a situation where you need the support and assistance of trained professionals. When considering buying a business or selling a business We can help you to:

  • identify potential targets for Mergers & Acquisitions
  • screen targets for suitability
  • prepare a negotiating strategy
  • value the target business
  • undertake the due diligence reports
  • raise the necessary capital
  • develop an integration plan
  • optimise the tax and financial position of the combined enterprise

At other times you may decide to improve your profitability through a disposal. Again, we can help with:

  • grooming the assets for sale,
  • valuing the assets, 
  • finding suitable purchasers
  • negotiating the sale, and
  • reviewing the sale agreement for tax implications.


There are times when a business needs amendments to its capital structure to allow it to:

  • effect a merger with another business of some specific activities
  • selling a trading division or branch to third parties or management, and
  • introduce new equity holders from the management team.  

In these situations we are able to prepare a special report to facilitate the amendments for management and other interested parties.

Securing Finance

Corporate Finance activities also include the provision of finance to our client businesses. Our expertise as a leading firm of Chartered Accountants in Essex gives us access to a wide range of contacts that will help you open doors that may otherwise have remained closed to you. Our job is to know what finance exists and the types of deals that can be done and at what rates and with what security. We keep close contact with all the main banks and finance houses so that this can be sourced for the benefit of your business.

We can help you with the following areas:

  • Conducting feasibility studies of your investment projects
  • Deciding upon the most suitable sources of finance to fund projects from the following list:
    1. personal capital
    2. bank overdraft
    3. commercial loans and whether they should be short, medium or long term loans
    4. national and regional agencies
    5. venture capital
    6. equity capital
    7. business angels
  • Preparing the necessary business plans including forecasts – see our Business Planning page for more detail
  • Presenting your proposals to your chosen source of finance and others if required
  • Negotiating rates of interest, arrangement fees and the security required on the finance.

Don’t take risks with your business – let us as experienced professionals help you. 

Get in touch today

Contact us today to find out how we can help and let us provide a tailored quotation suitable for your business.

Meet the experts

Richard Thomson  BA(Hons) FCCA CTA

Richard Thomson BA(Hons) FCCA CTA

Senior Manager

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Contact us today to find out how we can help and let us provide a tailored quotation suitable for your business.